A New Song by Lindsay Brown

This past weekend I got the pleasure of photographing a new addition to this cute little family. Their home was absolutely perfect for the shoot, open and bright with fresh, simple backgrounds so there is nothing to distract you from your subjects. 

I love how this shoot turned out, these parents are so, so sweet with their new little one. And she is such a doll! One of my favorite things is a new dad holding his baby, I love how a dad's hands can put into perspective just how tiny a newborn really is.

I love her and that is the beginning and end of everything. - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Click on any of their photos to see the entire gallery.

Small Scouts by Lindsay Brown

I took my little scouts on an adventure this last week to check out a few more spots to start doing photo shoots. Since I photograph mostly families with small kids, it was a good metric to bring the girls to see how far they were able to go and what would interest them along the way. We had a lovely morning together on our adventure and found some very beautiful spots that I'll hopefully get to use soon!

Rainy Day Games by Lindsay Brown

We happened to schedule this shoot on what ended up being the rainiest day so far in 2015! We had planned to do it outdoors, but once the rain came down, it came down hard. Thankfully, they have a beautiful home with tons of windows, so we decided to have a day in. It was so fun to capture the kids in their own environment, and get some fun shots of the family playing one of their favorite games together. I haven't done many shoots indoors, because outdoors is usually the preference, so this was a great pleasure!

The ending was my favorite, the kids put on their boots and coats and did some major puddle jumping!

A Wellie Adventure by Lindsay Brown

My little girls turned two last week. And wow, have they accomplished a lot in their two years! It is so amazing to behold all of the changes that happen from zero to two. Sitting, crawling, standing, walking, running, jumping, twirling. Milk, solids, spoons, forks, plates, cups. Cooing, mumbles, Da-da, words, sentences, singing. The lists go on and on. Every stage has been more fun than the last, and sometimes I wonder if that ever stops? Can it really get any cuter than this?! But two has certainly not disappointed! 

I love how much they talk and repeat everything we say. And how they repeat each other, which makes for a hilarious game of telephone at times. They are starting to understand the advantage of having a sister to play with and it's such a pleasure seeing their bond grow. They make the best company for a dance party and think all my "moves" are so cool! And my personal favorite: singing duets of "Let It Go" in their beds in the morning before we go in to get them up. They are the coolest kids I know, and bonus: they're mine :)! Yay!

As soon as I saw you I knew a grand adventure was about to happen. -A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
                                                       End-of-shoot snack break. Well done, girls :).

                                                       End-of-shoot snack break. Well done, girls :).

A Sweet Addition by Lindsay Brown

And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it. - Roald Dahl

Click on any of the photos to see the entire gallery.